On the night before anzac day, i went with a few friends to north perth to a club called shape. It was an experimental noise night.
Noise bands i've often been intrigued with. But as im reaching the wise old age of 22, i think im starting to lose my edge. Like im actually feelin like maybe i want to try and restore my hearing for my coming years of concert attending.
Fugazi, Godspeed You black emperor, mogwai, merzbow, that's the stuff i've got into over the past few years. To find some beauty in the dissonance of musicians violating the syntheziers and guitars as if they were pieces of utter shit, resonating what comes out of the speakers as pure irreverant bile spewing out at you. It's very attractive kind of music, you know, like you wonder why freaks like me spend three hours in a dark club listening to this stuff.
Well, this night was over before it begain. Now the first band was good. they played a half hour song, the only line in the song was "i can see the fire, imogen's fine" over and over. so that was the first set, so far so good.
The next band was pretty good, they were hell tight and there scratchy guitars were intact and sounded pretty good.
The headliner was pain, i forgot what they were called, but after 8 beers and hallocinating thinking a was seeing aladdin off in the distance riding the magic carpet on his way to offering me a lift home, i was getting restless, and even having inserted the earplugs that were provided to everyone before they came on, my ears were aching, they went for two hours, and it was PURE NOISE in the sense, now i knew it would be this kind of thing. But it was brutal, and i was hungry, and my foot was sore, i thought i saw a chic over in the corner with a bag which i thought could of had food in it. There might of been a cheese sandwich in there.but i found it wasn't after i stumbled over there and asked her what it was and she said she had her top from work in there.
i couldn't eat that.
anyway i don't know what has happened since then i've gone all soft and shit. i need my hardness back, but avant garde noise has just put me off for a while. I think i might listen to my billy joel albums for a while.
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